The evolution in the field of technology is faster than ever and as we’re entering the end of another great decade filled with technological innovations, here are some technologies that are expected to rule 2019 and grab most of our attention.


The next generation of mobile communications is about to arrive with major telecom operators already performing trials for 5G networks and the launch of Snapdragon 855 SoC which will be the first SoC to support the network.

As the technology becomes more popular, we will see a host of applications which will largely depend on the internet. With 5G, we will be able to access network speeds in the range of gigabits per second, almost a hundred times faster than the current 4G network.

With 5G, we will be able to send and receive information in the blink of an eye – literally!

Read more With the massive increase in data speeds, most of the processing could take place at servers. This could mean that you can subscribe to a gaming service and play hardware intensive titles on your smartphone or a tablet PC running on 5G even without owning the necessary hardware.

Besides the significant jump in speeds on our mobile devices, we are also likely to witness an increase in the communication between machines, allowing them to make their own decisions, and also augment ours. From smart vending machines, that will recognize you by the face to dispense your favorite candy even before you make a command, to self-driven vehicles, 5G will open doors to a variety of possibilities.


Li-Fi or Light Fidelity is another network protocol that can replace conventional Wi-Fi systems. Instead of using radio waves used by Wi-Fi, Li-Fi uses electromagnetic signals which may or may not be visible to humans, such as ultraviolet, infrared waves beside just visible light.

Using LEDs which are dimmed below human visibility, Li-Fi compatible systems offer faster and more reliable connections than the current generation of Wi-Fi routers.

The concept of Li-Fi is not new but we expect the technology to really catch up in the coming years, and French research firm Yole Développement predicts an exponential growth starting in 2021.

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#3.Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is another revolution in the area of computing which might take the world by storm in the coming years.
Quantum Computing-latest-technology

The technology is currently in a nascent stage when it comes to consumer utility, but there has been extensive research in the field with involvement from tech giants such as IBM.

Read more In Quantum computing, standard bits (elementary units of electronic data) are replaced by quantum bits (or qubits) such that they can be in the on-state (1) and off-state (0) simultaneously instead of being in either of the states.

This will allow standard computers to make much quicker decisions and researchers predict that each individual personal quantum computer will be as powerful as a contemporary supercomputer, and this appears very promising.

#4.90 & 120hz display

Everything starts looking buttery smooth. Once one uses such a device, one would not want to go back to 60Hz. The user can get TVs and monitors with 120Hz or 144Hz refresh rates but they are rare. Smartphones and tablets with higher refresh rates are rarer.
90 & 120hz display

For now, Apple’s iPad Pro has a screen with adaptive refresh rates (up to 120Hz) — they call it ProMotion. And the only phone we’ve seen with a 120Hz display is the Razer phone (though not officially available in India).

All hardware now can support these faster displays but it is now up to display manufacturers to catch up. Expect faster displays in cheaper devices next year too

Read more Many of us look at displays all day and some displays are better than others — they've higher resolution, brighter screens or newer technologies like OLED. But there is one key area where most displays (phones, TVs and laptops) lag and that is refresh rate. The standard refresh rate for displays is 60Hz.

This means it can update/refresh the image one sees 60 times a second. Increasing the refresh rate can have an amazing effect on anything that’s moving by eliminating blur.

#5.Mixed Reality (Virtual, Augmented)

In Virtual reality (VR), the whole real world is replaced by a simulated one giving you a near to life experience of the environment, be it a virtual tour of a dense forest, a political rally or a bike ride through rough terrains/ mountains.
Mixed Reality (Virtual, Augmented)

Samsung Gear is one of the commonly used VR.

Read more Microsoft HoloLens and Magic leap are in the phase of bringing in a mixed reality – A Holographic experience to customers. Think of a situation where you can see a dinosaur or an airplane landing from the comforts of your office.

A recent video release of Magic leap shows a solar system around an office desk and a steampunk robot hiding under the computer table. Realistically we could witness the transition of AR/VR into a Mixed reality bringing in a cohesive nature of user experience to the customers.

Augmented reality (AR) is where elements of the real world are supplemented by computer simulations in real time. Various fields like archaeology, visual arts and education use AR. Even though AR is arguably less exciting than VR, experts claim that it might be more useful than the later.

After 2017, AR revenues will improve and hit critical mass in health care distribution and product design and management-related use cases.

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